23-25 April 2024, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

The 80th anniversary of the first academic conference held at the National University of Mongolia

Development of higher education institutions in Mongolia

The first higher education institution in Mongolia – National University of Mongolia was organized its first academic conference in 1944, based on the field research results. Both the field expedition and the conference were the first academic events organized not only at the university, but also in Mongolia. In the first conferences of the university, professors of biology, medicine, mathematics, chemistry and veterinary medicine gave speeches and held discussions. Subsequently, those reports were prepared as scholarly articles and published in the first issue of the Scientific Transactions of the National University of Mongolia.

Over the past 80 years, while educating students in multiple professional fields, the National University of Mongolia have developed simultaneously various fields of research, and a large group of national scientists has been formed. During the development of the National University of Mongolia, other major universities in Mongolia, such as the University of Agriculture, Medical University, University of Science and Technology, and University of Humanities are branched out from it.

As everyone knows, the university plays a significant role in the social and economic development of the country, and after briefly reviewing the progress of higher education in Mongolia, it can be concluded that it has always been dependent on politics. Since the establishment of the first university in Mongolia in 1942, until the 1990s, it has been guided by only government policies and decisions for half a century. However, since the transition of the country to a democratic society with a free market economy, the funding provided by the government has stopped, so the universities in Mongolia have been struggling only to survive. Other than increasing the number of admitted students and financing it through tuition fees, there has been no significant progress in the development of the university over the past 30 years.

It has been more than 80 years since the first university was established in Mongolia, but until now, our universities were not ranked internationally, their activities were old-fashioned, merely based on student training, and they strive to enroll as many students as possible and graduate them in an easy way, which is classroom-based low-cost training.

In Mongolia, there is no wise policy for the sustainable development of higher education, lack of support from the government, insufficient funding and investment, which hinders the further development of the university. Even though, as a result of implementing a rational policy of self-development, the research capacity of some universities has significantly improved in recent years, and the number of internationally recognized researchers has increased.

Nowadays, universities in the world are developing in several different ways in terms of the scope and quality of their research and teaching activities. The research university takes its place at the top of those universities, and its main activity is research and advanced study, which is aimed at creating new scientific knowledge, properly combining student training with research, and educating a creative minded specialist with self-development, transferable and competitive abilities. A university of this nature has not yet been established in Mongolia.

Prestigious and excellent research universities have become the basis for spreading knowledge, creating new knowledge, developing the knowledge economy in the country, and forming the ability to compete globally. Therefore, developed countries as well as underdeveloped countries are competing by putting forward various reform policies and strategies, giving priority to the creation and promotion of new research universities that can compete internatinally.

In order to develop research universities, the governments and policy makers of the countries are implementing various strategies, and if we look at them together, there are three main ones: 1) competitive financing system, 2) international level university policies, and 3) governance reforms and reforms. can be divided into parts.

In order to develop research universities, the governments and countries are implementing various strategies and methods, and there are three main strategies: 1) competitive financing system, 2) policy to develop into internationally recognized university, and 3) university governance reform.

Conference focus and topic

The conference will promote dialogue and reflection on the role of the universities in social development, based on the principles of quality, sustainability and its relevance. At this meeting, the development strategy, experience and lessons learned of leading international universities will be discussed, as well as the current state of development, challenges and future development trends of the major universities in Mongolia, based on international experience.

Key themes of the conference:

  • Defining the current development state of universities in Mongolia: the problems and difficulties they face, and ways to solve those issues.
  • Discussing the international experience, achievements and lessons learned in the development of the research universities.
  • Exchange experiences on strengthening contributions to global science and knowledge.
  • Identify ways to sustainably develop postgraduate studies and advanced research.
  • Determine ways to turn research results into applications and business circulation, and to develop start-up companies by implementing the Triple-helix model of government‒university‒business.
  • Develop the basic strategies of the government policy and offer relevant recommendations on improving the research capacity of Mongolian universities.

Conference agenda


Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Academic Senate Hall, Main building, National University of Mongolia

Plenary session



Moderator:         Prof. B. Davaasuren, Secretary of Academic Senate, National University of Mongolia


o  Mongolian traditional Morin huur melody

o  Opening remarks

Prof. D.Badarch, President of National University of Mongolia


Keynote speech: The current academic capabilities of NUM  and the possibility of development through the path of a research university.

Prof. B.Bayartogtokh, Vice-president for Research, National University of Mongolia


Keynote speech: Perspectives on master’s-level graduate education and governance.

Prof. David Patrick, Dean of the Graduate School and Vice Provost for Research, Western Washington University, USA


Keynote speech: Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg: Profile and road ahead

Dr. Boris Wille, Head of the International Office, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Germany


Signing ceremony for the MoU between the National University of Mongolia and

Tavan Bogd Group

Prof. D.Badarch, President of National University of Mongolia

Mr. Ts.Baatarsaikhan, President of Tavan Bogd Group


Coffee break


Panel discussion

Moderator: Prof. D. Zayabaatar, School of Arts and Sciences, NUM


o  Prof. B. Erdenetsogt, Division of Natural Sciences, SAS, NUM

o  Prof. Ch. Tamir, Division of Social Sciences, SAS, NUM

o  Prof. N. Altantugs, Division of Humanities, SAS, NUM

o  Prof. S. Munkhbat, SPSIRPA, NUM

o  Prof. Ts. Amartaivan, Graduate School, NUM


Panel discussion

Moderator: Prof. G.Galbayar, Vice-president for Student Development, NUM


o  Prof. B. Amarsanaa, Law School, NUM

o  Prof. N. Batnasan, Business School, NUM

o  Prof. B. Ganbat, School of Information Technology and Electronics, NUM

o  Prof. Ch. Sonomdagva, School of Engineering and Technology, NUM

o  Prof. O. Munkhbat, Ulaanbaatar Science and Technology Park, NUM


Closing remarks

Prof. B.Bayartogtokh, Vice-president for Research, National University of Mongolia

Sessions and symposia:

  • Basic science development at NUM: Natural sciences
    • Date: 2024.04.24 (14:00-18:00)
    • Venue: #202 Conference hall, NUM Library
    • Organizer: Division of Natural Sciences, School of Arts and Sciences, NUM
  • Basic science development at NUM: Humanities
    • Date: 2024.04.24 (14:00-18:00)
    • Venue: #320 Conference hall, Main building, NUM
    • Organizer: Division of Humanities, School of Arts and Sciences, NUM
  • Basic science development at NUM: Social sciences
    • Date: 2024.04.24 (14:00-18:00)
    • Venue: #502 Conference hall, NUM Library
    • Organizer: Division of Social Sciences, School of Arts and Sciences, NUM
  • Advances in biological sciences at NUM
    • Date: 2024.04.22
    • Venue: Academic hall, Main building, NUM
    • Organizer: Department of Biology, School of Arts and Sciences, NUM
  • Environmental issues and sustainable development
    • Date: 2024.04.24 (14:00-18:00)
    • Venue: #502 Conference hall, Student and Faculty Development Center, NUM
    • Organizer: School of Engineering and Technology, NUM
  • Research, innovation and startup business
    • Date: 2024.04.24 (15:00-17:00)
    • Venue: #207 Art hall, 7 building, NUM
    • Organizers: Business School, School of Information Technology and Electronics, Ulaanbaatar Science Technology Park, NUM
  • Open Education 2024
    • Date: 2024.04.24 (09:00-17:00)
    • Venue: #604 Conference hall, Library, MUST
    • Organizers: MES, NUM, MUST, MNUE
  • MJEED project open day event
    • Date: 2024.04.24 (14:00-16:00)
    • Venue: Academic hall, NUM main building
    • Organizer: Office for Research and Innovation Policy, NUM
  • Exhibition of books written by NUM professors and researchers
    • Date: 2024.04.24 (09:00-17:00)
    • Main building lobby, NUM
    • Organizers: NUM Library and NUM Press
  • “Young Scientists-III” student research symposium
    • Date: 2024.05.10
    • Venue: #502 Conference hall, Student and Faculty Development Center, NUM
    • Organizer: Graduate School, NUM
  • Research, innovation and startup business

Venue: National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

For detailed information contact:

Conference agenda: download here

Orgainizing Comittee

National University of Mongolia