Судалгаа / Судалгаагаар холбогдох / Судалгааны ажилд оролцох

Судалгааны ажилд оролцох

Монгол Улсын Их Сургууль (товчлол МУИС) нь 1942 оны 10-р сарын 5-нд байгуулагдсан, Монгол Улсын анхны их сургууль юм.

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

SLAC is a U.S. Department of Energy national laboratory operated by Stanford, conducting research in chemistry, materials and energy sciences, bioscience, fusion energy science, high-energy physics, cosmology and other fields.

Hoover Institution

The Hoover Institution, devoted to the study of domestic and international affairs, was founded in 1919 by Herbert Hoover, a member of Stanford’s pioneer class of 1895 and the 31st U.S. president.

Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Working toward a future in which societies meet people’s needs for water, food and health while protecting and nurturing the planet.

Stanford Humanities Center

Advancing research into the historical, philosophical, literary, artistic, and cultural dimensions of the human experience.

Stanford Bio-X

Biomedical and life science researchers, clinicians, engineers, physicists and computational scientists come together to unlock the secrets of the human body.

Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies (FSI)

Understanding problems, policies and processes that cross borders and affect lives around the world.

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